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Among the blossoms
Among the blossoms

Those, who beg
Those, who beg

Simuvweb - Always beyond the limits...

Welcome to this site. My name is Michal Hnyk and I'd like to present my creation on the fields of digital photography and webcoding through these pages. I also would like to offer you some of my services.


Exhibition Variety of overlooked

(Don't be fooled - the exhibition is still available in year 2014!) You can make Your first steps in 2011 a little more pleasant by a trip to Broumov Confectioner's on the Mírové square, where the exhibition of macrophotography will be taking place from 4.1. in a little untraditional way. The exhibits will be randomly changed, so You can never be sure if You are about to return for another sweet under the same pictures. Besides that, the exhibits are free for sale, so You can buy a photo and immediately take it home - in that case, the exhibit will be replaced with another at once.

I wish You a pleasant sight and... enjoy Your sweets!


Who is this site for?

This site is for you if:

  • You're searching for some information about me. You shall find it here.
  • You want to see results of my creation. You'll find the main part here.
  • You are interested in some of services I can offer. Then search here.
  • You want to entertain or add your own opinion. For this purpose, there are:

Chat, where you can communicate in real-time with other users.

Guest book, where you can leave your salute or opinion.

News archive, which shall tell you about everything worth seeing what changed - guest book entries, photo discussion entries, new photos, modifications and expansions of the site, ...

Special thanks

I'd like to pronoucne my thanks to all of you, who have helped me to get as far as I am today on my way, through this paragraph. All of you, who have ever cooperated with me, do have a certain part of credit. Not only for that the main part of my creation requires your cooperation, but even for it would be barely possible for me to professionaly grow without your feedback in the form of your opinions and pronounced wishes. Despite that, I'd like to thank those, without whom you wouldn't be reading these lines now, by name:

  • Libor "Errorek" Sekelský, who has devoted significant amount of time to test the functionality of these pages.
  • Filip "Fík" Branda, who has been faithful friend and advisor to me not only in the matter of photo-web.
  • Alice "Ájinka" Razímová, whose goodwill allowed a flame of hope that the website can be made during the MFF studies to fire.
  • Barbora "Sestřička" Hovorková, without whom this site would miss the most important thing - its Face.

Now, the only thing left is to wish you a pleasant surfing through my website. Thank you for visiting this particular site.

Yours Sima

All the contents, design and code are spiritual property of the author!
In the case of intention to use particular parts of the web for other than personal purposes, feel free to contact me via:
ICQ: 301-524-126     status